Sing along to the campest of cult classics!

News 6 September 2022
Singalonga Rocky Horror

News Story

First released in 1975, The Rocky Horror Picture Show presents a parody tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the 1930s -early 1960s mixed with a little rock and roll of the 1950s.

The film itself was based on the 1973 stage show written by an unemployed actor called Richard O’Brien, inspired by his love of the unintentional humour of the B horror movies and against the backdrop of the glam rock era that was an integral part of British popular culture throughout the 1970s.

Having premiered at the Royal Court Theatre it then moved to the Chelsea Cinema on the Kings Road before finding a permanent home at the Kings Road Theatre where it ran for six years.

Musical impresario Lou Adler, who attended the London production escorted by his friend Britt Ekland, brought the show to the US and on the back of its success there went on to produce the film in partnership with the original London producer Michael White.

Initially the reception was extremely negative and it wasn’t until the audiences began participating with the film at the midnight screenings in New York that it found success.

As people returned for repeat visits they began dressing up as their favourite characters and talking back to the screen. This was taken to the next level by fans in Pittsburgh who formed a shadow cast that mimed the actions on the screen behind them while lip-syncing their character’s lines.

Today the film has a large international following and is considered to be the longest-running continual release in history.

Annual Rocky Horror conventions celebrating the film are held in varying locations around the world and the internet has a number of Rocky Horror run websites featuring quizzes and other content that supports audience participation.

The film itself has featured in numerous films and TV series over years from the Simpsons to the 1980s film Fame and in 2005 the film was even selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being culturally & historically significant.

It was with all this in mind that the producers of Sing-a-Long-a Sound of Music and Sing-a-Long-a Greatest Showman have decided to bring their own brand of magic to UK theatres with all the lyrics on screen, a live host and an interactive fun bags so everyone can join in. Not to mention it’s world famous fancy dress competition.

So dress up in your best suspenders and lab coat combination, and go “Over at the Frankenstein Place” for the best night you can have with your friends. “Damn it Janet” you have full permission to sing and dance your heart out!

And “Let’s do the Time Warp again!!”

Please note this is a screening of the movie not a live stage show.